At CARP, we truly care about solidarity: anyone can join and propose initiatives. We have created, organized, and managed fundraising and volunteering activities for:
Smiling Children Village
Ethiopia’s Street Children – Smiling Children Village non-profit organization
Among the many initiatives carried out so far: solidarity lunches for fundraising, free donations, long-distance adoptions, and support for specific projects, including:
Smiling Children Town: un centro di accoglienza per bambini di strada a Soddo (Etiopia), che è una delle più importanti realizzazioni di cooperazione internazionale che abbia visto la luce nel Centr’Africa, dove si dà la possibilità a questi bambini di dormire, mangiare e vivere in un ambiente accogliente e di essere educati. Attualmente nel Centro sono presenti circa 130 ragazzi.
Teamwork: a supply program supporting school desks for the job integration of young NEETs (Not employed not in education or in training), in partnership with Action Aid and training, support through sports training and professional guidance.
Street Girls Center in Soddo: construction of “bathrooms/showers” and small shops within the city market of Soddo (Ethiopia), to be managed by street girls so that they can have an income and a dignified life. The project is currently giving the opportunity to about 50 girls to have a future in the city’s social fabric.
If Africa, when you get to know it, magnetizes you, Abba Marcello, when you get to know him, electrifies you. (V. Varagona)
In 2007, the “Ethiopia’s Street Children – Smiling Children Village – Onlus” was established for the coordination of fundraising in favor of the “Smiling Children Town – City of Smiling Children”, a social project founded and supported by Don Marcello Signoretti, a parish priest originally from Candelara di Pesaro.
The “Smiling Children Town” is considered one of the most important achievements of international cooperation in Central Africa, where it provides the opportunity for about 130 children to sleep, eat and live in a welcoming environment and attend a school. At the end of the first study program, the children who show the most aptitude for studying are followed and supported up to university level, while the others are gradually introduced to workshops where they learn a trade and then reintegrate into Ethiopian society.
The city of Soddo, where Abba Marcello Signoretti founded and built the “Smiling Children Town – City of Smiling Children”, is located about 388 km southwest of Addis Ababa at an altitude of 2,100 meters above sea level, with over one hundred thousand inhabitants and is the administrative capital of the Wolayta region. Soddo is also the seat of the Apostolic Vicariate of Soddo – Hosanna, which administers a territory of fifty-five thousand square kilometers, divided into 28 parishes. The city is surrounded by green mountains and the climate is mild and pleasant. The hottest and driest period runs from October to April and temperatures range between 10 and 28 degrees. While the rainy season varies in the months of February – March and May – September.
Blessing of the P.T.P. vehicle fleet at the headquarters of C.A.R.P. in the presence of director Emilio Pietrelli and former mayor Ceriscioli.
Blessing of the P.T.P. vehicle fleet at the headquarters of C.A.R.P. in the presence of director Emilio Pietrelli and former mayor Ceriscioli.
Those who wish to adopt a child from the Center to support their educational journey can do so by participating in the initiative “in aid of street children for the smile of a child”, paying an annual fee of € 250 in favor of: Ethiopia’s Street Children – Village of Smiling Children – ONLUS, intended for the Center built in the city of Soddo, ideally supporting the educational/school journey of a child.
The annual fee of € 250 can also be paid in installments, including the benefactor’s code and the adopted child’s code in the reason for payment, as indicated in the project adoption form “in aid of street children for the smile of a child”.
Strada Pieve, 4 Frazione Candelara
61122 Pesaro (Italy)
Tel e Fax 0721 286105
C.F. 92039400418
The commitment made does not involve any obligation over time and can be canceled at any time.
It is proposed for approximately 3-4 years and we will update you at least once a year.
For information, you can contact the non-profit organization at the following e-mail address: ragazzisorridenti.etiopia@gmail.com
Or call +39 338.4559253 (Secretary – Antonio Cardinali)
For Postal Payments:
Postal Account 87964938
For bank transfers:
IBAN: IT20A0882613305000000070891
Cooperative Credit Bank of Pesaro – Santa Maria dell’Arzilla Branch – Pesaro
Paypal (Credit Card)